
Why the tenor saxophone is more metal than the guitar

1) There’s no electronics between you and your audience: it’s like scaring the shit out of an audience you’re rocking with an acoustic guitar;

2) The amount of distortion you can emit comes from your very breath and your mouthpiece: and, unlike guitar electronics, you can only get more distortion the stronger your chops (i.e., mouth muscles, i.e., embouchure) are…

3) There’s no script: you can’t plan the bombastic chorus riff because, in jazz improvisation, you don’t know what the riff is until you actually play it…!

4) Jazz guys/ gals know what I’m talking about– hey, you Metalheads:

Don’t waste your time thinking (like I did for so long) that jazz was pussies on a football field playing easy listening music. Real Jazz is hardcore shit– dig this:

Versus this

And tell me I’m wrong….

[Decline of the West:] Dead Butterflies– Exorcism and the thirst for the Unreal in “Rational” world

[Thanks to guest contributor Dexter Mobley. Originally posted here.]

There’s been a recent sem-glut of articles about the Vatican’s attempt to expand the understanding of the Ritual Romanum, or the rite of exorcism– read about it here.

In a seemingly concrete, [boldly overly-] rationalist society, why would we care? More to the point, why would MSNBC invest enough of their capitalist-based belief in your wanting to read about it, and why would the Vatican (who don’t publicize anything on anything, let alone exorcism of all fucking things) seek publicity about this area?

Are they asking to be mocked?


Those religious fuckers are shrewd. They understand branding. They know how to get Your Love back.
